Should all Government cars be Proton?

Should all Government cars be Proton?

by -

Just wondering what you guys think, especially now that the Pakatan Rakyat -controlled Selangor state Government is considering the Toyota Camry for their Exco use….


I think Proton had better rush the Perdana replacement, get it out before the MPV….after all it is a rebadging exercise isn’t it?

Please tell us what you think in the comments


  1. hey, not necessarily proton. it can be perodua, naza or inokom. many choices what??

    modenas also can.

  2. Why not just replace the Perdana Exec with the Waja Chancellor? I believes waja gearbox are less problematic than the Perdana.

  3. In my opinion a reasonable car allowance will do that includes the petrol. It up to your choice what you want to drive even you intend to buy a plane. It should be a fixed amount.

    When the wakil rakyat, minister or PM uses their own money to maintained they would be more caution on the bills. No additional allocation. Since the car is yours and it is your liability on road tax, traffic offence coupons and maintenances cost.

    This eliminates the spending and wastage on public funds.

  4. I strongly agree that all government vehicle should be national car unlike we see some using Fortuner, X-Trail.

  5. How about MPVs? Frankly, it may not necessarily be national models, but those models with ‘good’ quality, reasonable price range and maintenance. In effect, to some extend, with the MPVs they can ‘car pool’ to offices!! Not only lessen national expenses, reduced air/noise polutions, but most importantly they can lead by example… please walk the talk, NOT simply ‘No Actions – Talk Only’!

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