Only RM4 million for motorsports development in 2008

Only RM4 million for motorsports development in 2008

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FUTURE CHAMPS: The Minister (centre sitting on minibike) with some of the minibikers

That’s all motorsports development is getting this this year. Now I know that four million may sound like a lot of money but for any kind of sports development it is not a lot of money.

When you consider that this amount has to be spread thin over the whole of motorsports development then it is pittance. it’s like spending RM4 million on athletics development for a whole year, it would not even pay for coaches salary.


WE WOULD LIKE MORE: Azman says they will ask for a bigger sum next year so this year has to be a success.

The Money is being channeled through the Motorsports Association of Malaysia which also comes under the Motorsports Commission of Malaysia under Datuk Azman Yahya.

We asked him why he was spending so little he said he had asked for more but the Government is only willing to spend so much.

Azman said they will use this year to prove to the Government that they can make a difference and maybe that will convince the Government to give them more money.


GOOD PROGRAMME: Ismail Sabri liked MAM’s plans and what he saw at the launch

We hope that Youth and Sports Minister, Datuk Sabri Ismail Yaakob is listening. After all we spend so much more on other things. In fact I was told that one motorsports promoter was given RM4 million for his race series.

Surely if it takes RM4 million to organise one race series, it is going to take a lot more to develop all of motorsports in this country.

The MAM plan covers two and four wheels and takes into account many levels from pure grassroot to intermediate level motorsports.


START THEM YOUNG: Minibike riders can be as young as five but to compete they must be at least 7 years old

One example of grassroot motorsports that’s getting some of the funding is minibikes, this is a fantastic low-cost motorsport for everyone, for less than RM1,500 you can buy a machine.

Other grassroot two wheel sports getting MAM support is Motocross and Scooter prix.

On the ntermediate level they are looking at the 125 Supersport Production Series which is being organised by MotoMilia.

Moto Milia is building this series on the success of their 50cc series which they funded privately.


EARLY EXPOSURE IS CRITICAL: Young drivers have more time to learn and perfect their skills

Four-wheel support will start at go-kart level and will comprise of talent search programmes held at various kart rircuits in the country, mostly in the Klang Valley.

Each circuit is suppose to start with a pool of 50 youngsters and whittle the number down to a handful of really good drivers.


CARPARK WARRIORS: Autocross is a good for development and it’s fun for everyone

Up one notch, they are looking at suporting Grass Racing’s carpark Autocross events which is considered a good-low-cost intermediate motorsports involving real cars. They are also supporting rally sprint series which will be organised by MAM.

Datuk Azman appears to have a clear idea of what he wants and that is to have our talents groomed for international competition and understands the obstacles involved and are working towards solving them, chief among those is getting more corporate support for motorsports.

RM4 million is not the start that a lot of motorsports fan have been expecting but it is the first step and we will all have to lend our support to MCM to help make the first year programme a success so that they can persuade the Government to give them more funding for motorsports development next year.


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